
and i think this lesson is getting more and more evident, because if you look at the the war in ukraine and all the sanctions that are being enforced, you see that uh foreign foreign currency reserve system is basically over。so russia had foreign currency reserves in a number of countries。 so they just said, okay, that's your choancnow。 that's armony it's gone。so你的youtube 刷 粉丝錢你的推特增粉錢就沒了,那你有什麼選擇,你只能看黃金,或者你可以用比特幣,或者你也知道bank保的抖音 點讚難難。如果抖音按讚你保護黃境,境,國果也也不會保護自己的推特增粉環境。他會outsworce so venenezuela他們把他們gn黃境放在英國,好像幾年前的台湾手机号码接码事情,他們跟英國說,bank of england,我們要你拿回來我們的tiktok訂閱黃金bank of england is now, you can have it right。so i think the only choice is dicquent right。so if you think about it by process of elimination, bick ins, the only money that you can easily self custody and transacts with if you want to trade gold, then you have to move it basically said and the same problem and same systemic risk。

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